Performing a code review

to assure the client about the actual state of his application


The initial situation

TRIOLOGY GmbH was commissioned to perform a code review for an application for the optimization and automation of business processes in logistics, based on several code reviews already performed to the customer's satisfaction. The review served to assure the client about the way the application was made. About 40,000 lines of code were analyzed using static and manual analysis.



The solution

In the manual analysis, in addition to assessing the general code style and the timeliness of the libraries and technologies used, further priorities were set in consultation with the client. Among other things, an architecture analysis was performed, a consideration of the load scenario was undertaken, and source code-side security aspects were analyzed.

The analysis was divided into 3 components:

> Backend

> Frontend

> Database

Each of the areas was analyzed by an expert for the respective technologies used, in order to provide corresponding recommendations for action and improvement suggestions for the further handling of the application.



The result

As a result type a document about the analysis with all considered aspects was delivered. In addition, the most important findings of the analysis were presented in a final meeting and the overall impression of the application was explained in a personal interview.

Based on the results, the client was able to initiate improvement measures and rework prior to commissioning and final acceptance of the application, which were checked again by TRIOLOGY GmbH in a short static analysis prior to acceptance for the client's assurance.


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