Category: Security

Introduction of an information security management system (ISMS)

TRIOLOGY underwent the TISAX assessment in the first quarter of 2021. Our ISMS (Information Security Management System) was assessed by Dekra to determine whether it meets the security level of the target maturity level “high” and whether we thus fulfill the industry-wide uniform security standards.

AI based on a neural network

This blog post shows the construction of a neural network for an artificial intelligence. In addition, it is explained by way of example how this AI can be trained with the help of training data, backpropagation and evolution, but also which dangers can occur in this process.

Automatic checks for vulnerabilities in Java project dependencies

Security is a difficult topic to control for software projects, as is proven by the constant reports of data leaks in the media. For software developers, it is difficult to oversee the sort of influence that their daily work, which is not directly linked to security issues, has on the security of their applications.

Apache Shiro: Implementing complex permissions autonomously

Although Apache Shiro includes a powerful and flexible tool for fine-grained allocation of authorizations with its WildcardPermissions, one is faced with its limitations when it comes to complex scenarios. This article shows how any authorization checks can be implemented autonomously using the Permission interface.