Clean Code as a fundamental element of the quality strategy
Clean Code as a fundamental element of the quality strategy
Software quality remains a topic that is constantly discussed within the developer community, because customers as well as developers are very much aware of what consequences faulty software can have.
It is for this reason that a good structure and “clean coding” make a very valuable contribution to the success of a project. This is because code that not only works short term, but which also meets the requirements in terms of maintainability, security, scalability and performance, make both developers and users happy over the long term.
We have always demanded that our individual software corresponds with the very highest quality standards and we work continuously on further developing and improving the quality of our code. In this mission, TRIOLOGY has not limited itself to just a single approach, but uses a type of modular principle in order to develop quality standards through to a best practice approach that helps meet a variety of requirements. Thus test driven development and working with design patterns and metrics (please also see the blog article “Statistical Code Analysis with SonarQube“) is integrated even more into the normal working day, and as a result, into the processing and completion of the project.
It is for this reason that we understand clean code development to be an additional, consolidating element of this “construction kit for quality”. In his work “Clean Code”, Robert Cecil Martin defined valuable principles, patterns and techniques, which we also follow. As a reference source, the technical book is one the basic pieces of equipment that each of our employees in software development uses from their very first day on the job. Besides the “Clean Code“ book, the continuous exchanges within expert groups, tech meetings and within the architecture team ensure that “clean coding” is lived and applied during every working day.
What we believe we will gain was expressed by Rolf Hein, Department Head of Software development, as follows: “Through our commitment to Clean Code Development, we have given our developers the framework within which they can approach software development in a creative way and create high-quality software that is great benefit to our customers.”
In addition to showing our appreciation for the work that our developers do, our commitment should also increase their motivation to permanently optimise results. With respect to the implementation, they could also benefit from reduced workloads.
But not only that, the work on “Clean Code” will also increase in importance for our customers over the long term. The longer a software is in use, the more valuable becomes the quality aspect because functional adaptations or further developments do not result in immense extra costs.
Michael Feathers put it like this: “Clean code is a code that is written by someone who cares.”
Daneben gewinnt die Arbeit mit „Clean Code“ auch für unsere Kunden langfristig an Bedeutung. Über die Laufzeit einer Softwarenutzung wird dieser Qualitätsaspekt wertvoll, da funktionale Anpassungen oder Weiterentwicklungen keine immensen Zusatzkosten verursachen.
Michael Feathers drückte es so aus: „Clean code is a code that is written by someone who cares.”
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